In today’s global, connected economy, information has become valuable currency. The professionals who specialize in ensuring that information is secure, audited, controlled and governed need a trusted resource for training, certifications, networking and knowledge. ISACA, with more than 115,000 constituents worldwide, fills that need.
ISACA positions its staff—a mix of new and longer-term employees—to deliver their best every day, and grow in professionalism and expertise. Employees become better business people as a result of the lessons they learn and the skills they add through their ISACA activity. Coupled with their personal achievement, employees can point to the successful outcome of their efforts: an association with a history of consistent growth; an expanded reputation for thought leadership; and a global footprint.
Professionals with business acumen, diplomacy, a commitment to collaboration and a passion for the future are likely to do well at ISACA. Given the extensive and ever-increasing impact of digital technologies in our daily lives, the association is well positioned to enjoy a bright future.