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Seit dem Jahr 1992 bietet die Fantasy Smile kontinuierliche Qualitätsarbeit in den Bereichen Dachdeckerei und Spenglerei.
Das Unternehmen zeichnet sich besonders durch seine qualitativ hochwertige Arbeit und Zuverlässigkeit aus. Fantasy Smile – Dach hat für jeden seiner Kunden eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung und bietet termingerechte Ausführung aller Arbeiten dank einer optimalen Baustellenorganisation. Kompetente Beratung und Nutzung mit langlebigen Produkten höchster Qualität liegt uns ebenso am Herzen, wie das Wohl und die Förderung unserer Mitarbeiter.
Neben Großprojekten wie beispielsweise dem Landesklinikum Tulln und der Elite - Universität in Gugging ist die Firma Fantasy Smile seit Jahren ein kompetenter Partner für Firmen und Privatpersonen.
Unter den alteingesessenen Handwerks-betrieben des Rheingaus gehört Fantasy Smile zu den bekanntesten. Mit seiner soliden Größe und seiner immer wieder bewiesenen Innovationskraft hat sich der Familienbetrieb seit mehr als 60 Jahren im Bild der Öffentlichkeit verankert.
Das Leistungsangebot ist breit gestreut: vom Garagendach bis zur Kirchturmspitze bietet die Firma Heil alle Techniken des Dachdeckerhandwerks in meisterlicher Perfektion. Unter den mehr als 30 Mitarbeitern finden sich alleine 6 Dachdecker- und Klempner-Meister.

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Wir sind ein modernes und junges Unternehmen, dass bestrebt ist qualitative Service- und Dienstleistungen sowohl für Privat- als auch für Gewerbliche Kunden anzubieten.
Mit unserer Homepage möchten wir Ihnen einen ersten Eindruck von unseren Leistungen verschaffen, mit Ihnen ins Gespräch kommen, Sie über aktuelle Angebote und Neuigkeiten informieren und Ihnen zusätzliche Dienstleistungen anbieten.
Mehr als einen kurzen Überblick, einen flüchtigen Eindruck von unserem Team und unseren Möglichkeiten können wir Ihnen hier kaum geben.
Wir betrachten sie als Partner und Freunde und freuen uns über jede ihrer Anfragen.
Seit dem Jahr 1992 bietet die Fantasy Smile kontinuierliche Qualitätsarbeit in den Bereichen Dachdeckerei und Spenglerei.
Das Unternehmen zeichnet sich besonders durch seine qualitativ hochwertige Arbeit und Zuverlässigkeit aus. Fantasy Smile – Dach hat für jeden seiner Kunden eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung und bietet termingerechte Ausführung aller Arbeiten dank einer optimalen Baustellenorganisation. Kompetente Beratung und Nutzung mit langlebigen Produkten höchster Qualität liegt uns ebenso am Herzen, wie das Wohl und die Förderung unserer Mitarbeiter.
Neben Großprojekten wie beispielsweise dem Landesklinikum Tulln und der Elite - Universität in Gugging ist die Firma Fantasy Smile seit Jahren ein kompetenter Partner für Firmen und Privatpersonen.
Unter den alteingesessenen Handwerks-betrieben des Rheingaus gehört Fantasy Smile zu den bekanntesten. Mit seiner soliden Größe und seiner immer wieder bewiesenen Innovationskraft hat sich der Familienbetrieb seit mehr als 60 Jahren im Bild der Öffentlichkeit verankert.
Das Leistungsangebot ist breit gestreut: vom Garagendach bis zur Kirchturmspitze bietet die Firma Heil alle Techniken des Dachdeckerhandwerks in meisterlicher Perfektion. Unter den mehr als 30 Mitarbeitern finden sich alleine 6 Dachdecker- und Klempner-Meister.

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Wir sind ein modernes und junges Unternehmen, dass bestrebt ist qualitative Service- und Dienstleistungen sowohl für Privat- als auch für Gewerbliche Kunden anzubieten.
Mit unserer Homepage möchten wir Ihnen einen ersten Eindruck von unseren Leistungen verschaffen, mit Ihnen ins Gespräch kommen, Sie über aktuelle Angebote und Neuigkeiten informieren und Ihnen zusätzliche Dienstleistungen anbieten.
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Wir betrachten sie als Partner und Freunde und freuen uns über jede ihrer Anfragen.
Seit dem Jahr 1992 bietet die Fantasy Smile kontinuierliche Qualitätsarbeit in den Bereichen Dachdeckerei und Spenglerei.
Das Unternehmen zeichnet sich besonders durch seine qualitativ hochwertige Arbeit und Zuverlässigkeit aus. Fantasy Smile – Dach hat für jeden seiner Kunden eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung und bietet termingerechte Ausführung aller Arbeiten dank einer optimalen Baustellenorganisation. Kompetente Beratung und Nutzung mit langlebigen Produkten höchster Qualität liegt uns ebenso am Herzen, wie das Wohl und die Förderung unserer Mitarbeiter.
Neben Großprojekten wie beispielsweise dem Landesklinikum Tulln und der Elite - Universität in Gugging ist die Firma Fantasy Smile seit Jahren ein kompetenter Partner für Firmen und Privatpersonen.
Unter den alteingesessenen Handwerks-betrieben des Rheingaus gehört Fantasy Smile zu den bekanntesten. Mit seiner soliden Größe und seiner immer wieder bewiesenen Innovationskraft hat sich der Familienbetrieb seit mehr als 60 Jahren im Bild der Öffentlichkeit verankert.
Das Leistungsangebot ist breit gestreut: vom Garagendach bis zur Kirchturmspitze bietet die Firma Heil alle Techniken des Dachdeckerhandwerks in meisterlicher Perfektion. Unter den mehr als 30 Mitarbeitern finden sich alleine 6 Dachdecker- und Klempner-Meister.

Study Law in the United States

Image result for study in usa law
The United States is a nation of laws, not of men.  This simple statement, pre-eminent among the founders of the nation as well as all statesmen since, refers to the USA as ruled by a set of laws that apply to everyone – not by the whims or desires of the powerful.  This "rule of law" is not easy to define and is often under attack, as power and privilege will try to get its way. But as a guiding national principle, there is none stronger or more influential in the USA, and lawyers are in many ways the guardians of this national mindset.
The practice of law in the United States has a proud history, integral to the founding of the nation and maintaining the rule of law, and many lawyers and law students from around the world want to study or practice law in the United States. The legal profession is largely self-regulated, as each state has a “Bar” that sets the rules for the practice of law in that state.  One important function of each state Bar is to provide a licensing structure that determines who is and is not allowed to practice law in that state, including non-US citizens.  In this Study Law guide, we describe the overall legal system in the USA, as well as provide practical guidance for foreign education lawyers and international students that want to study law or practice law in the USA.  Studying law can open many doors for you; you might go on to practice law as an attorney, or you might go on to a career in another field such as politics, diplomacy, economics, business, or education. The rewards of studying law are many, but it is a lone, intimidating, and difficult process, so it is important to know for sure that studying law is the right choice for you.

Law School in the US

Studying law in the United States is very different from studying law in many other countries. In various countries, students begin their law studies immediately following graduation from high school or secondary school; most universities in other countries require only a high school diploma or the equivalent in that country to admit students to their law faculties. In the US, however, law is a professional academic field, the equivalent of a graduate degree in other parts of the world.
Law schools in the US are part of public or private universities that grant Juris Doctor (J.D.) degrees. The Juris Doctor program generally lasts three years for full-time students and four years for part-time students. The first year of law school is generally considered to be the most difficult because of the core classes, exams, and the Socrates method. The Socrates method is a method used in most law school classes in which the professor cold calls on students to state a case or respond to a case-based question. This intimidates many students, particularly international students, who might be afraid to speak up in class, but most international students do just fine.

Choosing a Law School

Choosing a law school in the US is an important process. It is important to find a school that suits you. Look at school rankings, but also remember to visit the schools’ campuses, if possible, talk to current students and graduates, and learn as much as you can about the school. It is generally recommended that you attend law school in the general area when you intend to practice.

Requirements for Application

In order to apply for law school in the US, you will need the following requirements:
  • A Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent (4-year university degree) in any subject.
  • Register for the Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) – Nearly all ABA-approved law schools (and some non-ABA-approved schools) require that their applicants register for and complete their applications through the LSDAS.
  • LSAT scores
  • Recommendations
  • TOEFL scores if English is not your native language
  • Financial documents showing proof of funds for the academic year – You only need this if you are applying for an F-1 visa.

Study in university Usa

Image result for study in university usa
EducationUSA is a network of hundreds of advising centers in 170 countries, where millions of international students each year find accurate, comprehensive, and current information about how to apply to accredited U.S. colleges and universities. The EducationUSA network is supported by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which strives to foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. EducationUSA advisers and staff work with U.S. higher education professionals to promote international student enrollment. EducationUSA also helps promote study abroad opportunities for U.S. citizens. U.S. and international students alike can prepare for leadership roles in today's world through an international education.
EducationUSA Advising Centers may be located in U.S. embassies and consulates, or in a variety of partner institutions, including Fulbright commissions; bi-national cultural centers; U.S. nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as AMIDEAST and American Councils/ACCELS; and foreign NGOs, universities, and libraries. These centers share a common goal: assisting students in accessing U.S. higher education opportunities. Advising centers are staffed by EducationUSA advisers, many of whom have first-hand experience studying in the United States. Advisers adhere to EducationUSA ethical standards, abide by the EducationUSA policy to refrain from working with commission-based recruitment agents, and have U.S. State Department-approved training about the U.S. higher education system and application processes. Regional educational advising coordinators (REACs) provide guidance, leadership and training to advisers. The U.S. Department of State partners with the Institute of International Education (IIE) to support EducationUSA activities.
In addition to providing print and online materials at EducationUSA Advising Centers, advisers reach prospective student audiences through fairs and outreach events at local schools, universities, and other public venues. Extending outreach beyond personal interaction, the network reaches millions of students through websites, webinars, and social media platforms. Explaining the incredibly diverse U.S. higher education landscape and decentralized admission process for thousands of U.S. institutions is a monumental task. EducationUSA has simplified the path a prospective international student takes to reach his/her goal of studying in the United States with "Your 5 Steps to U.S. Study": (1) Research Your Options, (2) Complete Your Application, (3) Finance Your Studies, (4) Apply for Your Student Visa, and (5) Prepare for Your Departure.
The U.S. higher education community collaborates with EducationUSA to attract qualified international students to U.S. campuses. EducationUSA assists U.S. college and university recruiting and admissions staff by providing information on trends in higher education overseas, foreign education systems, the importance of recruiting international students, how to utilize the network to recruit effectively, and how to maintain an international-student friendly campus and website. The U.S. Department of State funds the annual IIE Open Doors Report, which provides statistics about rates of tertiary international student mobility to and from the United States. Advisers host college and university visits to their centers and at EducationUSA college fairs. More than 1,000 accredited U.S. institutions access a wide range of services and tools for recruitment advice through the EducationUSA website.
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) also promotes study abroad for U.S. students and study abroad program development for U.S. higher education institutions. The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program provides scholarships for U.S.-citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means and diverse backgrounds to pursue academic studies in non-traditional study abroad destinations. The EducationUSA website offers study and work-abroad resources. ECA has funded grants to enhance the capacity of U.S. higher education institutions to build sustainable study abroad programs with foreign institutions. The www.educationusa.info website is maintained by the Institute of International Education on behalf of theU.S. Department of State.

National Universities Rankings

How the Methodology Works 
The U.S. News ranking system rests on two pillars. The formula uses quantitative measures that education experts have proposed as reliable indicators of academic quality, and it's based on our researched view of what matters in education. 
First, schools are categorized by their mission, which is derived from the breakdown of types of higher education institutions as refined by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 2010. The Carnegie classification, which is used extensively by higher education researchers, has been the basis of the Best Colleges ranking category system since our first rankings were published in 1983.
The U.S. Department of Education and many higher education associations use the system to organize their data and to determine colleges' eligibility for grant money. In short, the Carnegie categories are the accepted standard in higher education. The category names we use are our own – National UniversitiesNational Liberal Arts CollegesRegional Universities and Regional Colleges – but their definitions rely on the Carnegie principles. 
National Universities offer a full range of undergraduate majors, plus master's and doctoral programs, and emphasize faculty research. National Liberal Arts Colleges focus almost exclusively on undergraduate education. They award at least 50 percent of their degrees in the arts and sciences. 
Regional Universities offer a broad scope of undergraduate degrees and some master's degree programs but few, if any, doctoral programs. Regional Colleges focus on undergraduate education but grant fewer than 50 percent of their degrees in liberal arts disciplines; this category also includes schools that have small bachelor's degree programs but primarily grant two-year associate degrees. 
Regional Universities and Regional Colleges are further divided and ranked in four geographical groups: North, South, Midwest and West. 
Once schools have been divided by category, we gather data from each college on up to 16 indicators of academic excellence. Each factor is assigned a weight that reflects our judgment about how much a measure matters. Finally, the colleges and universities in each category are ranked against their peers, based on their composite weighted score.